Welcome,! I'm Becki, and I guess I'm the (Old?) Mother Hubbard of this little shoe -- wife, mama of two beautiful kids, and a graduate student on the side. My husband is working on his M.Div. at a seminary in the Bluegrass (name that state!), and right now we homeschool our two sprouts: Little Man (9) and the Royal Princess (5).
I'm not a homeschool blogger, a pastor's-wife blogger, a mommy blogger, or an inspirational blogger. I don't chase ambulances and news stories and controversy to draw readers. Instead, writing's my retreat, and you're welcome to come with me. This space is like the thrift store (only cheaper): You never know what you're going to find, but that's the whole adventure.
Thanks for stopping by. Feel free to leave a comment so our conversations can be two-sided. (Not that I have a problem talking to myself, but that's a session for another day.)