Friday, March 11, 2011

Thou Shalt Not

May I make a confession, friend? It's not anything especially juicy, I suppose -- but bear with me anyway.

This morning, The Preacher left for a conference. . . but the kiddos and I stayed home. Knowing he'd be gone for another two days, I was sorely tempted to sink into complaining today. (You just feel so sorry for me, don't you?)

(Hush up.)

In our house, we only have one posted law, and today I was tempted to break it.

(Looks like I gave into temptation, doesn't it?)

With The Preacher away, I really needed an extra helping of joy, and maybe a small side of inspiration. So I grabbed my trusty camera and gratefully discovered these --

Four Perfectly Good Reasons Not to Whine:

1) Little SuperBoyMan

2) Her Royal Highness, content with raisins!

3) Saving my poor, dying philodendron. I hope.
And last but not least, proof that Old Man Winter was listening yesterday:

At the end of a long, tiring day, I'm so grateful to have been given still more gifts. Tomorrow is shaping up to be a good one, too -- and we'll be looking for the good in it.

Off to say goodnight to The Preacher,


  1. Encouraging words! Thank you.
    And with your plant, phillys like to be left alone. Not too much light and NEVER alot of water at a time. Wait until the dirt feels a bit dry and then give them a little bit of water (for a small plant, maybe about a 1/2 cup)about once a week. Phillys are a plant where "less is more". Hope that helps. Love you blog.

  2. I love you sooooo much and I love the little things that you share.. you're truely amazing and yeah Im younger and all but I'm a good listener and I'm good at advice so if you ever Need or miss your little Stephanie I'm just a phone call away! I love you Mrs. Fitzwater. (: ♥

  3. Thanks, Mom! I think I neglected my poor plant a little too long. But I'm hoping for a resurrection! ;)

    And Stephanie - *hugs* I miss you very much! You've always been a compassionate listener; it's what makes you such a good friend. <3
