Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Full Disclosure

For me, the most challenging part of blogging is its capacity for tight control. I know I've mentioned it before, but as I write I'm reminded of the power to share only our successes. I edit posts, retouch pictures, and choose happy stories from our days.

Why? In part, to encourage and bring you a smile. But also maybe, just a little. . . so you don't see my mess.

Like the fact that I desperately needed to vacuum before I took this picture:

(Or at least get my jeans out of the way?)

And then there's my questionable parenting. Here, Royal Princess researches fine wines. . .

And the camera catches me feeding my children healthy snacks. (Minus the healthy part.)

 Pay no attention to this orange child:

I usually blog about the pretty things in life. Sometimes they're silly, and sometimes they're serious. But the things I don't want to share?

Well, I just don't share 'em. So far, I've never taken a picture of my own short temper, impatience, frustration, grouchiness, or chubbiness.

(That's why God created the "delete" button on my camera.)

It doesn't mean those things don't exist. It doesn't mean we have things all figured out. Even though I'm straining to find joy, to be patient, to slow down and enjoy our family as we are today -- I fail. Often. 

I'm impatient to change quickly, but I find that even after all this walking. . . I still have have a long journey ahead.

And to be honest, I'm ok with that.

(I need the exercise. See "chubbiness.")

Philippians 3

Just wanted you to know,


  1. Every Mother or Housewife has their days when we are just plain hard to get along with; except me I'm just a peach (right). You have been to my house;I am up cleaning before the company is even done eating. Which is something I defiantly need to work on. I know that I need to not worry so much about if the house is clean and in order and take the time out just to enjoy being with those I love my family who mean the world to me. I thank God every day I have with them.

  2. That's the important thing -- appreciating the moments we have with the people we love. :)

  3. I LOVE you with all your temper, impatience, imperfections and your chubiness (which, I must say, you hide very well) Karen

  4. Karen -- Thanks. . . I think! Haha! ;)
